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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photo Of the Day #8


  1. Again, I think your choice of color and processing is very nice and suits your subject.

  2. Thanks Eden, these photos of the day are really just a self challenge, I want to go through and find images that didn't make the cut for a series but might work as something like a lomograph. I just published my latest series Jetzt Ist Sommer

  3. Hey brotha,
    Appreciate the comment. I dig your work and will keep checkin it out as it comes in.

  4. Don't miss my series work though, the latest one is jetzt ist sommer.

  5. Cool! I went to Duluth last summer! I think I remember that sign... I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

  6. The rest of the series is already up actually! If you go to the home page there is a big banner link to it. I practically live half my summer in Duluth so I have the opertunity to get some pretty amazing shots.
